You know I got a disturbing message the other day and it has haunted my memories since I heard it. So I stopped and did the only thing that came to mind...I prayed. I prayed for her soul to heal, her mind to get right, and her situation to improve. I prayed the no-good friends she had moved on so she could focus on what's best for her.
I think I came to peace with the fact that I cannot help no matter how hard I have tried. No matter how good and heart-felt the advice was given it wasn't accepted nor appreciated. I finally let go and let God and now the worries that once ran through my mind are gone. Nightmares don't and can't haunt me day and night anymore. I gave it to God and he is the best of all.
So my prayer is for my sister Gabrielle. I pray that she realizes that she has more potential than she gives herself credit for. I pray that she gets her education back on track and graduate. I pray that she stop doing things that are destructive to both her mind, body, and soul. I pray that she gets her priorities straight and realizes her true worth. I pray that she find prosperity in a job she loves. I pray that she finds God again and turn her back on the devil. I pray that she realizes what her family has been trying to get through to her: we really do care and love you and nothing is given to you unless you truly work for it or at least show that you are trying. I pray that she stops dealing with these losers who don't understand her worth, strength, or emotion. I pray that she gets herself together before she finds herself in a situation that is more detrimental to her than she can handle. I pray that all the anger and hatred she feels is replaced with love and patience. I pray that God changes her soul for the better and brings her closer to him so he can guide her in her decisions and gets her life on the right track.
1 comment:
Dam Girl, i think you did the best possible thing. Sometimes no matter what you do or say is gonna change how someone is determined to be. It hurts having to 'let go' but in some cases there really is no other choice. You can continue to beat yourself up over it, suffer because of it, and go through similar mental and emotional anguish, all because of the actions of another person. And of course the closer the person is, and the more potential you see in them makes it worse, because you know how great she could be. But, and i stress but, this may cause for us as sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers to impose our thoughts on how that person should be living, whether it be the best for them or not. It took (and is still taking) time for me to learn and understand that we all have our own paths (or at least we walk them, believe in it or not), and for some of us it takes a walk through the wilderness before we can find the light. And being on the side of the ones that get it, its heart-wrenching to watch a friend or loved-one walking down the wrong path (or so we think). We give our advice, our stories, our love, strength, and energy, and it usually ends up frustrating us more because that person is not ready yet. They need time to see it for themselves, be it good or bad. Some people actually do need to hit the bottom before they can see the top. And we hate for it to happen, but its not our path, we are not the ones walking in that persons shoes.
This is not to say dont try, because that would be obsurred. If ever i could help someone from learning by my experiences and stupid mistakes ive made (wheeew), i got some doozies), well by-golly ill do my darndest. But i must also understand that that person may not learn from it, and i cannot allow myself to be consumed with trying to change that person. i cannot get angry if they dont take my advice even if it is right, moral, and just.
It shows great strength to care for someone so much that you only want the best form them and are willing to do dam near whatever it takes to get them theyre. But it takes even more to realize that point at which your help may not be help at all. Sometimes that help is actually not changing anything, or is even making the situation worse. And that is the point at which you need to take a step back, because we to often get too close to others' problems and before you realize it you begin to think unclearly, and your judgment becomes altered, because you are now also inflicted. Taking a step back and letting the person begin to handle their own problems is the kick in the crack some folks need (and of course this is a situation-based approach, because some people may just need a hug and itll make it all better). The object is to let that person find theyre own path; for you just let them know that you can be there for support, encouragement, and a helping hand; But be sure to let them know that theyre gonna have to drive beacuse it is the only way theyll get to where they want to go.
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