I must have watched entirely too much of "A Different World" growing up because I was completely blindsided by the college experience. I found very few friendships worth maintaining beyond their expiration date because lets face it...everyone is not and will not be your friend. Now for a naturally friendly person imagine how I felt when I figured this crap out. I meet people and put my best foot forward in being there when they need me and never turning my back on them even when they deserve it. I never have an agenda when meeting someone because that is just lame and brings on bad karma. I try not to talk about people behind their backs and if I have and they ask me about it I let them know what I said. Its no secret so why lie about it? Lets just say I was displeased with a lot of things.
There are two parts of the college life that are suppose to exist: the social life and the student life. The social life was okay at first. Fresh in college so everyone met and alleged friendships started instantly. But then shit happens and friends disappear. I swear to Beavis that stuff is annoying. I now know why some people are loners, lol. But me being the social butterfly that I am I continue to make and lose friends like there is no tomorrow. I thought college was the place where you met and made friends for life, I made a few and I am grateful. Most of my friends are guys [chicks are spawns of everything evil, not sugar and spice like the rhyme says, most are anyways but thats another post] they rock and I love em for it. I joined every damn group on campus with the exception of like 2 and by the end of senior year I was in none, lol.
And that brings me to the student life. I took a butt load of courses that I have now deemed useless in my career...a few have been excluded but the rest were just a waste of my money. College doesn't even expose you to what the work force has to offer or at least mine didn't. I hate learning theories, teach me something thats going to make me a valuable employee and show my true potential. I studied my tail off for many things that are out dated and not even used in the workforce now. I should have taken up something useful like cheese appreciation now theres something I can use, just kidding. Oh well, hopefully Grad school will be alot better.
1 comment:
Well that interesting, but sadly true. Friendships are only as real as the people in them. And that sux because if your the real person and the other person is a flake, phony, or has some ulterior motives than your pretty much just assed-out. The truth is everybody uses people for something, dam right i said it. It doesnt have to be something down right underhanded like money or social success, it can be the simple things like conversing, having a person there, or of course sex (i guess thats not the best reason to befriend someone, but people will and do). A good friend is really hard to find, especially when you get older. Many people have there foundations in place with by the time they reach college. And alot of them dont know how to expand there circles. If the college experience is meant to be fun, then have fun. If you actually want to prepare yourself for life, have minimal fun and work your tail off. The friends that are made in college can be with you through life or be finished at graduation. Someone once told me that if you have more best friends than you can count on 1 hand, you probably dont have a best friend at all. I tend to not believe that, or at least try to not believe that, but the facts are clear. If you have 5 best friends, how many of them would consider you as there best friend? if its all 5 then WOWzers, you must be the bestest friend ever, but more than likely you dont have a life of your own. Everyone needs there space, time, people that are separate from their friends, etc. Leaving college with 5 people that you already know youll continue through life with is good, take those blessings and hold them close, cause theyll probably be more than enough friend to make up for the other terds you met.
And so yeah, non-practical learning has been a hatred of mine since highschool. i knew i was not going to be a history major, i knew i would not be an English professor before i went into highschool. Yet i was forced to take a crap load of classes that would have no bearing on my future. Luckily i was required to take those classes cause my first 2 years of college went over all that same crap again. Whew, good thing i learned it all first or it would have been really stupid for me to take it again, O wait, why the hell did i take them the 1st time, much less the 2nd and 3rd. It is important to understand some fundamentals about society (sociology) math (various math and finance classes)and history (self explanatory), but i think all that crap should die out in highschool. College should be used in a preparatory since, to prepare the people that will soon be running the world. i think the 'extra' that is taught in college is really a waste of time and we as a nation are wasting some valuable assets with people huddled up in meaningless classes, while they could be working on making a difference. Not just to the country but in their communities, in other communities, darnit to themselves. i have a few friends that dropped out of college for failing some of the core classes and/or electives. Why must i take electives? to give the school more money, i would easily pay more money to take only the classes i will need to successfully walk right into a job and be productive. It doesnt make since that there are college graduates working at micky d's, but it also doesnt make since that this business major has NO business since. That is why i have and will continually be a fan of tech schools. In Jerzy they even offer technical schools as a highschool equivalent. So i could walk out of junior and senior years of highschool and already have 2 years of experience in a given field, if i chose to go for an advanced degree, chances are i could already have a job in that field, now that just makes since. We really need some major education reform because its getting out of hand. But at the same time, the more misfits running the streets means more money and jobs for me. And i for 1 will be dammed if my kids fall into that trap, theyll be raised right and learned right, thats really all i can ask for.
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