Friday, May 23, 2008
Driving...Just Do It
Back on My A Game
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I realized
Friday, May 16, 2008
I FUCKING HATE MICROMANAGERS! They are the pinnacle of who shouldn't be in charge. Theses assholes walk around all damn day putting themselves in everyone else's business, giving there fucking opinion when no one wants them. They are always trying to take charge even when they don't know what the hell they are doing. I should start a business school and the first course would be designated for micromanagers where the teachers would breathe down there damn neck about any and everything and see how they like it. I have no clue where they picked up their management skills from. You either have faith in your employees or you don't. If you think your employees are incompetent, then maybe you are as well seeing as though managers have a say in who is hired and who is not.
Secondly, when you walk into a room and people scatter like this
maybe you should take the time to evaluate yourself. Its really not that people have things to do, they just don't wanna be around you. Hmmmph, how about that an explanation as to why people run away from you? This is exactly why people work for a company for a couple years and quit to run their own companies.
It really irritates me especially when people micromanage because they want to appear more important than they are. Just because youstand with your stick top on someones shoulder does not make you any more competent than the last asshole to hold the position. Some people actually work well under these conditions and we have a word for them..."children." Thats right chlidren asshole, none of which is a term used to describe me. I am one grown ass woman, so back the hell up and give me my space so I can out-shine, out-think, and out-perform in everything I do.
Oh well, I will have my own business in a few years and I will never hire a micromanger EVER!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Laws of Relationships
Riddle me this: Why is it that we are always attracted to what is the complete opposite of who we are?
Plain Answer: CUS WE ARE IDIOTS! (Just playing)
This is why the divorce rate is so damn high now because people wanna marry the person they are not. Okay well maybe not but I happen to think that it is one of the factors no one has ever looked at. Take me and my guy for example, you are looking at two completely different ends of the spectrum. I am outgoing and he is more reserved. I love to think and plan big, he likes to keep things simple. I love to spend all my money, he believes in saving it. I mean the list could go on and on. We have very few things in common yet for some reason we have lasted for 4 years. That's a pretty long time for people to stay together without much common ground. I will say that love and family is a big factor in our relationship, and the fact that we compliment each other fairly well.
I think people get fascinated by learning someone who isn't like them. But what do you do when you have learned all you need to know? Do you give up on it or keep going? So I have come up with my own laws for relationships:
1) If you can keep looking in their eyes and your heart tells you stay do it!
2) If they can accept you for all your faults (IE your crooked smile and morning breath) keep them
3)Smell the pheromones, if you don't mix with them chemically (not drugs either people) keep looking
4) Remember looks fade so really get to know that person because their soul could be what you love about them!
5) Work to create a common ground
6) The woman is always right even when she is wrong!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Political Moment
I will never in my life vote for Hilary Clinton, EVER! She comes off as too desperate, too arrogant, to snobby, and I really think she believes she is entitled to be the Presidential nominee because her husband did such a good job in the White House. She talks about her experience, but last time I checked Bill was the one with Presidential experience. If elected are we gonna have them as President? Her own husband said it is on the job training, so what the hell is she talking about with this experience nonsense? The one thing Hilary does have over Obama is the fact that she has more friends and connections to people in D.C. She has people who owe her favors and people she owes favors! Which ultimately is her biggest downfall, I want someone upright who isn't concerned with doing business with friends. I want someone who is doing business because they believe this is the better choice.
Barack Obama has my vote 1000%! He is an up front and honest man. He came out and told everyone about things he has done in the past because it shouldn't be an issue with deciding your vote. And I love the fact that he doesn't stoop to some of these politicians extremely low levels with the belittling and what have you. Not only does this man have a plan, but it is a realistic plan. I don't want another President who came from a family of wealth. I don't want one who never actually had to work but was given a job based on his family and who they are friends with. I want someone who is humble, strong, and intelligent. I found those qualities in Obama!
Obama 08'