I will never in my life vote for Hilary Clinton, EVER! She comes off as too desperate, too arrogant, to snobby, and I really think she believes she is entitled to be the Presidential nominee because her husband did such a good job in the White House. She talks about her experience, but last time I checked Bill was the one with Presidential experience. If elected are we gonna have them as President? Her own husband said it is on the job training, so what the hell is she talking about with this experience nonsense? The one thing Hilary does have over Obama is the fact that she has more friends and connections to people in D.C. She has people who owe her favors and people she owes favors! Which ultimately is her biggest downfall, I want someone upright who isn't concerned with doing business with friends. I want someone who is doing business because they believe this is the better choice.
Barack Obama has my vote 1000%! He is an up front and honest man. He came out and told everyone about things he has done in the past because it shouldn't be an issue with deciding your vote. And I love the fact that he doesn't stoop to some of these politicians extremely low levels with the belittling and what have you. Not only does this man have a plan, but it is a realistic plan. I don't want another President who came from a family of wealth. I don't want one who never actually had to work but was given a job based on his family and who they are friends with. I want someone who is humble, strong, and intelligent. I found those qualities in Obama!
Obama 08'
1 comment:
Yeah sounds like the best choice. i really do agree that the other candidates in this race do suck, not sure how people are not voting for Obama (personally), except for the white people (i kno, not tooo PC). Even still black white other, it shouldnt matter, i thought the object was to pick the best candidate. And to be really real, the choice can only be between McCain and Obama. Obama's ideas are the best, but we are in the middle of a war. I would prolly get stoned and my ghetto pass taken for saying it but now any true 'patriot' would prolly vote for McCain. Hes the one that would be willing to just drop bombs, and get some stuff done over there. However, with that said if a continuation in the war (at this point damn near essential) is not want one wants then Obama is the clear choice.
i am very interested by the race, peoples views, who theyre voting for and why, etc; but at the end of the day --->surprise surprise ---> it doesnt even really matter to me. i will proudly say im not voting, which is not to say that i dont have a preference in this race, cause i do. Not only do i think it doesnt make that big of a difference (which it could), i also think no matter who steps in office theyre gonna do what theyre gonna do. It is what it is and thats all it can be.
i push for everyone to go vote, i thin kits a right that should be used, but i as a grown ass man (sorry mom) i can choose to ignore that right. i do so based on a plethora of reason, some that are good, others that are so-so, regardless of which U VOTE i WONT --->have fun at those poles. (poles?, lol)
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