Riddle me this: Why is it that we are always attracted to what is the complete opposite of who we are?
Plain Answer: CUS WE ARE IDIOTS! (Just playing)
This is why the divorce rate is so damn high now because people wanna marry the person they are not. Okay well maybe not but I happen to think that it is one of the factors no one has ever looked at. Take me and my guy for example, you are looking at two completely different ends of the spectrum. I am outgoing and he is more reserved. I love to think and plan big, he likes to keep things simple. I love to spend all my money, he believes in saving it. I mean the list could go on and on. We have very few things in common yet for some reason we have lasted for 4 years. That's a pretty long time for people to stay together without much common ground. I will say that love and family is a big factor in our relationship, and the fact that we compliment each other fairly well.
I think people get fascinated by learning someone who isn't like them. But what do you do when you have learned all you need to know? Do you give up on it or keep going? So I have come up with my own laws for relationships:
1) If you can keep looking in their eyes and your heart tells you stay do it!
2) If they can accept you for all your faults (IE your crooked smile and morning breath) keep them
3)Smell the pheromones, if you don't mix with them chemically (not drugs either people) keep looking
4) Remember looks fade so really get to know that person because their soul could be what you love about them!
5) Work to create a common ground
6) The woman is always right even when she is wrong!
1 comment:
Uhm... not sure where to even start. We do know that opposites attract (Paula Abdul said that). The thing is that opposites attract all throughout nature.
When it moves passed the eye-candy phase (if there is one) then getting to know the real person is next, or at least should be.
I tend to feel that this is when people bring out their PR reps. This is the person being nice, acting normal regularly, and being generally interesting to you.
Sadly this phase doesnt last, it slowly moves into the now im getting comfy phase. Where more of that person’s true character and nature begins to emerge. Lucky most of us are still caught up in the PR rep phase to even notice tooo much of a change.
Which brings us to the next level ---> you notice the real person. For most people this seems like an over night act, when n actuality its been there for some time. I have heard stories of taking a shower and steeping out only to think 'what the hall am i even doin here', or waking up (with the same person youve been waking up next to for years) and thinking 'you really have changed', or best of all given enough alone time to think hitting the realization that 'im not happy'.
At this point the relationship is on the decline stage. At this point things can be salvaged a happy medium met and the relationship can reach a new phase (im good where im at and im happy with what i have). But in our society full of fast answers and no patients, this declining stage usually is the end for many people (i think there is a high-degree of weakness there, but that is just a personal thing).
The real deal is, if u want it fight for it. But society at large has made it easier for people to say I don’t like you (right now) lets get a divorce / split up / etc.
Your rules are really funny though, specially #6 (which is soooo WRONG. The others are descent i could deal with those. And 4-real Pheromones, i think you just like that word.
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