So, this morning I am driving to work and presumably almost taken off this planet by some asshole trying to drink coffee, smoke a cigarette, text, and read his newspaper (Slightly exaggerated). Needless to say I was pissed because this fuck faced bastard has the nerve to be driving a fucking pickup truck the size of Oklahoma. Okay well maybe not that big but you get the point. Why can't people just drive? Multitasking is not something you should do on the road, especially when it may involve my car insurance going up.
I cannot stand this shit. It really gets my blood boiling. My boyfriend does this shit and it irritates the hell outta me. We are driving down a 4 lane highway and someone send him a stupid text and he just has to reply. And its not the fact that he replies but his phone has the full fucking keyboard on it so he has to look down and type out whatever the hell he wants to say and its never a one word response, sometimes it a whole fucking paragraph. When people text me while driving, I send back one word responses driving ( keys 3-7-4-8-4-6-4: it have the suretype function on my phone) I can do this without even looking and could care less about what the actually text said.
But I have been guilty of texting and driving before. I drifted off into another lane responding to a joke someone sent me and the reply I sent back. Almost running off the road was enough to scare my ass straighter than newly permed hair. Now I just drive with a blank stare listening to my T.I. and every now and then talk on my speakerphone.
Dont be gay!!!, multi-task driving is the new sensation. Text, drink coffee (or a beer, even better), set the navi, change cds, look in the back seat (for that damn lighter i can never seem to find), smoke a cigarrete, curse-out the driver infront of you that keeps tapping the damn brakes (i hate that), all while making sammitches(i like roast beast a lil monterey jack, melt it down wit a match, now dats a good highway sammitch).
And if your really really gangtaR, multi-task motorcycle riding is the nu-new-newest. Yesterday got passed by a guy on a GSXR1000, who must have been doing anywhere between 120-150mph, txting his arse off. All i have to say is "Pimpin, pimpin...".
So dont hate these super-kewl life threatening drivers, i prefer to sit back and watch the benifits natural selection in practice. GET ‘EM.
I too get caught up in the entire driving and texting business, but I tend to wait until I get to a red light or something. Ish is really scary. Especially when it's a good convo.
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