There is an increasing amount of foolishness walking amongst the educated and determined on college campuses across America. Those of us who truly wanted something outside of what we are/were used to and expand our knowledge into something outside of "hood" knowledge.
But, while we are pursuing our education why must we run into these ass clowns who never got the memo that "Being intelligent is a good thing!" I am so sick and tired of running into these assholes, who's sole purpose is to make the college experience less than favorable.
These are the idiots that come to class never or when they do they usually are disruptive the entire time. They are always bragging about how drunk and/or high they are/were and what chick they are messing with, will mess with, or would like to mess with.
Sometimes, I just wanna stop them and ask them why the hell did you come to college in the first place? Is it because your mom didn't want your triffling ass staying in her house after high school? Is it because your parents needed the right-off on taxes? Did you promise the LORD to go to college when your ass was suppose to go to jail? I mean like what is it that they think they are doing? The ish is nowhere near cool and quite frankly someone should tell them they are the laughing stock of the effing world.
It is cool to laugh and joke in class but the whole damn period, na thats not cool. Let me break it down for you... Right now the average tuition of a college is somewhere around $12, 000 a semester/ $9500 if you're not staying on campus. Which means if you take 12 credit hours you are full-time. Now each class may be 3 credit hours which makes the total for just one class $2375/ each credit is $761.66. If the course is a standard 16 week course then I am paying roughly $48 a week for classes.
Now I don't know about you but the average college student doesn't have alot of money (not credit cards actual money) to waste on bull-ish. Quite frankly no one has money to waste in college. I say those of us who understand that tuition costs big bucks smack the dogsh-t out of anyone who interrupts our classes with foolishness and get the most for our money.
Get a effing clue, idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats what im talking about, THUGGERY. Lets hear it, geek lover.
Okay, at first i was thinken, oh boy here we go bashin' THUGS again. But then i continued to read, and i tell you what thats not thuggery thats stupidity. All over america there are 'Water Thugs' (just get wet...instant thugs), these are in my opinion the most ignant. They try to be something their not, and more often than not they convince themselves that they really are tuff. Anyway, stupidity based on ignorance is only partially excusable, after a while it becomes unacceptable.
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