Try having this discussion in a crowded room and be prepared for all hell to break lose! People yelling, looting, and talking down to anyone who disagrees with what they have to say. And this is where I usually am...right in the middle arguing with everyone around me usually throwing out some random things like "you're an idiot" and "that's just plain stupid!"
I guess I am the only one who still believes that a man and a woman can be JUST FRIENDS without them being attracted to each other. Now, granted alot of people tend to start out as friends and end up with each other, but I happen to think that they are just going with what is familiar to them and what they are comfortable with. I mean who wouldn't jump at the chance to date one of their great friends who has been there for them constantly and you already know their behavioral patterns as much as they know yours. Who wouldn't want to go with the safer choice versus the unknown?
My thing is this I have plenty of guy friends. Some, if not most, happen to be my ex-boyfriends' and we are still friends. So at one point in time we were attracted to eah other, however this is not the case now.
I have always thought that is is possible for a man and a woman to just be friends and nothing more. Why do we have to reduce everyones friendships by whether or not that person(s) attractive? And who the hell makes friends with people they only find attractive? It is humanly possible to be friends with someone because you guys enjoy the same interests.
But, as usual people have been brainwashed into thinking the xact opposite. I mean look at all the shows, books, movies, song, etc exploring friendship on another level. How many times will this crap be force fed into our brains? And it is always the same unrealistic scene that plays out...such and such has that sudden spark that makes them fall for the other person after x amount of years of friendship. Which further plays into some stereotypical bullshit and makes all relationships harder.
I am sure there are plenty of people who have been friends for years and never looked twice at each other, but then again we may never know because no one wants to bring up the positive in these relationships. No, they wanna bring out how such and such started dating his friend and how badly things turned out.
I hate when people make things into something they are not. Men and Women can be JUST FRICKIN FRIENDS!
1 comment:
Sometimes for some odd reason it does work, just being friends. It really takes 2 people that are not purely driven by their loins. For some people the mental connection is more important than a physical one. Yea, sex is (can be) great but having a good conversation or just laughing can be soo much better.
I am a firm believer that on the whole men and women CANT be just friends. The are several reasons as to why this is true. Mainly attraction / chemistry. Really good friends usually have a tendency to be attracted to each other. Which really isnt that big of a deal, but when partying, drinking, etc come into play then all bets are off. If people are real with themselves and honest about it, things can move much smoother. And yes there is a line of things that should not be said. For some reason saying it out loud makes it real, and that is when trouble can start.
Kinda tired and dont feel like getting too deep into this, but I will leave it to 'it depends' on the individuals involved, the situations they are placed in, and their feelings on plutonic friendships.
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